Category: Summer/Autumn 2015

Jews and Tattoos: ‘Rooted in Conflict’

Despite the ingrained Jewish prohibition against tattoos, a small but growing number of Jews are tattooing themselves to proclaim their religious identity and lineage. By Stefany Truesdell

The Underside of Globalization

Growing up a “street kid” in Juarez, Mexico, was like being a lab rat in a socioeconomic experiment with terrible consequences, especially for vulnerable children. By Pedro Morales

What Contributes to Moral Progress?

Michael Shermer’s The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity toward Truth, Justice, and Reason and Karen Armstrong’s Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence. By Bradley Shingleton

Dying in America

A national crisis looms as the population over sixty-five grows but inequalities in end-of-life care persist. By Ann Neumann

In Queer the New Black?

“Quareing” Afro-Diasporic religion allows for the possibility of celebrating nonnormative sexual identities in Black religious spaces. By Jennifer S. Leath

Into Wind and Water

After a serious accident causes a young man to fall away from his Pentecostal faith, he gradually finds his way back. By Ryan Gregg

Dull Habit or Acute Fever?

More than a century after it was published, William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience illuminates past and present fault lines in American Protestantism. By Bill Leonard

Making Room

A thread running through a majority of the essays in this issue has to do with hospitality to the “stranger” and its opposite—hostility, fortification, and exclusion. Who do we let in, and who do we try to keep out? By Wendy McDowell

Recovering the Black Social Gospel

Given the legacy of the black social gospel tradition, retrieving the leading figures and ideas of this important movement is long overdue. By Gary Dorrien

The Gospel of Guantánamo

Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Guantánamo Diary recounts the worst of American torture while offering a compelling vision of faith and reconciliation. By Marisa Egerstrom

La Cara Lóbrega de la Globalización

Crecer como un “niño de la calle” en Juárez, México, fue como ser una rata de laboratorio en un experimento socioeconómico con terribles consecuencias, especialmente para los niños vulnerables. Por Pedro Morales


A pesar de que las fronteras de todo el mundo se militarizan más, los activistas, los residentes de larga data y los migrantes en las tierras fronterizas de los Estados Unidos y México participan en actos de resistencia. By Maura Fitzgerald


Even as borders around the world become more militarized, activists, long-time residents, and migrants in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands engage in acts of resistance. By Maura Fitzgerald

Two Poems by Jill Bergkamp

“John Wesley; Epworth Rectory, 1709” and “John & Susanna Wesley; Kitchen Lessons” by Jill Bergkamp
