Category: Spirituality

Rooting in Relationality

Recent publications on plant consciousness invite us to rethink our entanglements with plant life and our understanding of ourselves among other species. By Natalia Schwien Scott

The Trouble with Oneness

Three recent books offer helpful frameworks for considering temperament and conversion in experiences of “oneness with nature.” By Shane Baker


A selected reading list from Dan McKanan’s course.

A Year of Being With

Paintings, poetry, and reflections on entering a state of being “fully aware of the presence of another being and our shared environment” while making art. By Maisie Luo

On Waiting and Wanting

Reading Simone Weil, Fanny Howe, and Mark Jordan helped demonstrate how we can be transformed through the process of waiting. By Nancy Yuen-Fang Chu

Citizens of Two Realms

During her year as a monk, a millennial discovers reverential awe in the midst of chaos. By Eloise Skinner

On Chanting and Consciousness

Memories of her Jain grandmother’s chanting lead the author to reflect on “how deliriously inside out moments can be.” By Diane Mehta

‘Every Little Pine Needle’

Thoreau had a deeply religious cast of mind, but he experienced revelation in nature, and trees were his guides. By Richard Higgins

On Habit

The habit of playing music for church turns out to be the most important healing practice during a difficult year. By Michelle C. Sanchez

Visiting the Void

Many recovery workers periodically return to Ground Zero as a way of reconnecting with the values they experienced there. By Kate Yanina DeConinck

Exotic Ordinary

Action and passion coexist in this portrait of one spirit medium in Madagascar, evoking complex philosophical questions. By Michael Lambek

The Meaning of a Saint

Vrajaprana’s Interpreting Ramakrishna: Kali’s Child Revisited. By Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
