Category: Climate Crisis

Rethinking Weeds

Greater awareness of these ubiquitous healers can have implications for ecological restoration, reverence for nature, regenerative living, and environmental justice. By Vanessa Chakour

Childfree for the Planet?

Can one be childfree for the planet and simultaneously be a good Catholic or a good Vaishnava? By Trish Tillman

The Trouble with Oneness

Three recent books offer helpful frameworks for considering temperament and conversion in experiences of “oneness with nature.” By Shane Baker


A selected reading list from Dan McKanan’s course.

Wisdom of Webs

An interview with Sarah J. Karikó on studying spiders and exploring our interconnectedness. By Natalia Schwien

A Year of Being With

Paintings, poetry, and reflections on entering a state of being “fully aware of the presence of another being and our shared environment” while making art. By Maisie Luo

The Climate of Grief

How might grieving, as a form of love and remembering, shape our responses to a changing planet? Terry Tempest Williams with Victoria Chang

The Liturgy of Home

What are the essential gestures that lead us to the sacred actions that can make a change of consciousness and consequence? By Terry Tempest Williams
