Keys to the Interior Kingdom
C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. By Stephanie Paulsell
C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. By Stephanie Paulsell
“Them Again,” “Night Lights, Providence Amtrak Station,” “Cab Ride Downtown” by W. S. Di Piero
The outing of liberal Christians in the wards of American politics. By Amy Sullivan
Eric Reinders’s Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion. By Patrick Provost-Smith
An excerpt from an address Peter Jennings presented at HDS in 1995.
A Massachusetts legislator’s quandary on same-sex marriage. By Marian Walsh
The writers and artists included in this issue approach their difficult subjects with calm, open determination, with the attitude that creative thinking can still be applied even to those human situations that allow virtually no hope. By Will Joyner
Discussion of recent sex crises in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches is frozen by journalistic polarization. A look back at Gregory of Nyssa, and Freud, might help. By Sarah Coakley
The ability of the United States to function as mediator in the Holy Land may require a new American attention to religion. By Jack Miles
How did a little-known, and largely ignored, region in western Sudan become the site of such horrific suffering? The answers do not come easily. By Chris Herlinger
Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven. By Harvey Cox
Poetry by Adrie Kusserow
As Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, he was portrayed to the public primarily in bumper sticker clichés. One of his former students takes a more nuanced look. By Francis Schüssler Fiorenza
Archaeologies of the Greek Past by Susan Alcock and Martyrdom and Memory by Elizabeth Castelli. By Laura Nasrallah
Poetry by Mark Doty
An interview with Wallace Best. By Wendy McDowell
Has “intelligent design” found a clear-cut friend in Pope Benedict XVI? By Kenneth R. Miller
Judging the love of God. By Todd Shy
Scholars of religion should do a better job of contemplating Buddhism with an eye to theoretical axioms that exist in the tradition’s classic texts themselves. By J. C. Cleary
The West may just be noticing it, but conflict over a “reformation” has actually been raging in the Muslim world for more than a century and a half. At stake is the faith itself.
By Reza Aslan