The Conscious Heart
By making us present to ourselves, the practices of art and of prayer can cultivate awareness of our inmost being, waking us to love and compassion. By Mary Anderson

Religious Law and the Visual Secular
What do we mean when we say a work of Western art, especially a representation of religious law, has both “secular” and “religious” significance? By Suzanne Smith

Why ‘Brain Death’ Is Contested Ground
The Jahi McMath case illustrates the disjunction between medical definitions of bodies and the ways we constitute meaningful relationships with our family members. By Jeffrey P. Bishop

What Does Work Mean to Widows in Afghanistan?
When Western governments try to help victims of war in Kabul, neoliberal ideas of what it means to care can miss the point. By Anila Daulatzai
New Rooms in the Interfaith Movement
The problem that interfaith work should be seeking to solve is the polarization of people who orient around religion differently. By Eboo Patel

Lead, Don’t Follow on Climate Justice
The moral leadership of religious people is needed to challenge and deepen the climate justice movement. By Tim DeChristopher

Judaism’s Gifts to Climate Activism
Jewish traditions bring unique teachings and values to interfaith climate activism. By Shoshana Meira Friedman

Red Flags for American Jews?
A 2013 Pew report points to ways Judaism can be made relevant for a growing number of nontraditional American Jews. By Robert Israel
In Review

Books and Art
Artists Make Good Theologians
Longing for Mary and for the unsayable in the poetry of Mary Szybist and the art of Hayley Barker. By Sarah Sentilles

Islamic Education and the Body
The Walking Qur’an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa, by Rudolph T. Ware III. By Ousmane Oumar Kane

Performing World Missions in 1911
Erin L. Hasinoff’s Faith in Objects: American Missionary Expositions in the Early Twentieth Century. By Dana L. Robert

Shelf Life
Narrative Wounds and Livable Fictions
Bearing witness and fixing blame in Russell Banks’s novel The Sweet Hereafter. By Matthew Potts

Ronald Dworkin’s Onto-Theology
The onto-theological drive in Ronald Dworkin’s final book, Religion without God. By Ronald E. Osborn

The Kegon Falls
By Paula Bohince

A Mother Dressing Her Son in a Kimono
By Paula Bohince

Death Pose
By Wesley Rothman
An Encounter with a Painting
My dialogue with An Encounter at a Well over the course of a couple of years ended up challenging, loosening, and undoing assumptions I didn’t realize I held. By Wendy McDowell