Winter/Spring 2012
Poetry and Faith


By Love We Are Led to God

We must embrace the most important engagements God offers us, even though they will happen in unlikely places and with unlikely people. By Christian Wiman

Making Peace with Imperfection

A translator of the Psalms shares her struggle to respect the original text, while rendering a version that is relevant to contemporary spiritual seekers. By Pamela Greenberg

Rhythms of Dying, of Living

Yolmo rituals around death and mourning entail a soothing, sonorous “poetics of guidance” that allows people to help one another through life’s toughest transitions. By Robert R. Desjarlais

First Poetry Portfolio

Two Poems

By Jane Hirshfield

from Stations of the Cross

By Timothy Victor Richardson

Faith Healing

By Rafael Campo

Second Poetry Portfolio

It’s Good to Sit Down with a Racist Every Now and Then

By Naomi Shihab Nye

Other Elements

By John Canaday


By Jennifer Barber

First Song of the Tiruvaymoli, The Holy Word of Mouth

By Shatakopan, translated by Archana Venkatesan and Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

Third Poetry Portfolio

Hidden Hearing

By Li-Young Lee

from Winter

By Marilène Phipps-Kettlewell

Two Poems

By Olvido García Valdés translated from the Spanish by Catherine Hammond

Three Poems

By Elizabeth Robinson


Marigolds in My Mouth

Perhaps we need to be “unhomed” from our own bodies, understandings, or languages. By Kazim Ali

Embracing Moments and Memories

Poetry shows us how to live, and how to remember. By Claudia Ann Highbaugh

Tribal Poetry, the Beat of Yemen

Tribal poetry in Yemen is a living, dynamic form. By Steven C. Caton

Cries of the World

The feminine principle is needed now more than ever. By Marilyn Sewell

In Review


‘Nox,’ or the Muteness of Things

Anne Carson’s Nox. By Charles M. Stang

Shelf Life

Listen Children

Lucille Clifton believed in writing as a spiritual act to hone the self. By Major Jackson


Into the Infinite Together

Patti Smith’s Just Kids. By Stephanie Paulsell


The Wordsmith’s Two-Edged Power

Don Draper uses words to shape reality in Mad Men. By Peter Boumgarden


Thin Wings

Susan Howe’s That This. By Amy Hollywood


Home to the Ever-House

Each of the poems in this issue could be considered a prayer, an expression reaching toward the infinite or precious finite. By Susan Lloyd McGarry

A Look Back

Ultimate Unknowing

An excerpt from “Mystery, Theology, and Conversion.” By Gordon Kaufman


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