Winter 2008 issue cover

Winter 2008


Crossing Rivers

As his understanding of religion changes, a writer finds a way to continue a lifelong spiritual journey with his grandfather. By Eric Gutierrez

On the Question of Relevance

Many of the best new ideas emerge from consideration of the questions other have posed long ago, living in diverse landscapes fraught with tension, disagreement, and uncertainty. By Anne Monius

‘He looked like Jesus Christ’

What exactly is it mean to compare the photographs from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to images of the Crucifixion? By Sarah Sentilles

Mystical Rebellion in Mexico

Women’s questioning of internalized norms on sexuality and their assertion of sexual rights is grounded in a new experience, and new definitions, of God. By Mónica A. Maher

Enchantment and Disenchantment in the Evangelical Tradition

George Eliot is a telling example of someone who embraced evangelicalism’s message of love and forgiveness but was put off by the dogma. By David N. Hempton


A New Voice in Darfur

Behind the arguments over Darfur are real people with real needs. By Chris Herlinger

Teflon Televangelists

For true believers, televangelists’ misdeeds just don’t matter. By Mark I. Pinsky

Another Eros

One woman’s revealing year away from the erotic. By Amelia Perkins

The Yoga Remedy

Beyond yoga’s worthy mainstream appeal. By Deborah Cohen

In Review


The Crucible of Indian Nationhood

Martha C. Nussbaum’s The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India’s Future. By Tulasi Srinivas


Music on Your Mind

Oliver Sacks’s Musicophilia. By James Clyde Sellman

Required Viewing

Battles of Wills

Stalingrad and Sophie Scholl: The Final Days. By Kevin Madigan


A Prophet for Then and Now

Czelaw Milosz’s Native Realm: A Search for Self-Definition. By Will Joyner


Two Poems

Every Riven Thing

This Mind of Dying

By Christian Wiman

Three Poems

Froze by winter blast

Ay were alive

And a cloth bled high

By Joan Houlihan

Two Poems


Sleeping on the porch

By Robert Bolick


The Imagination Resists

One of the main hooks for me in reading and writing about ‘religion’ is the delicious discovery that religious beliefs and believers do not always cut the way you might think. By Wendy McDowell


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