Summer/Autumn 2012


Choosing Words over Bullets

The grassroots efforts of citizens to build interfaith communities is a social good that helps to hold our nation together. By R. Gustav Niebuhr

Echoes of a Legendary Queen

Contemporary women writers in Arabic and English have drawn on the Queen of Sheba to comment on national identity, gender, and race. By Wafaa Abdulaali

The Soul Has No Gender

Too many LGBT youth find themselves without the support of their friends, families, schools, and faith communities, which leads to an increased risk of mental and physical health problems. By Cheryl A. Giles

Why Study Religion in the Twenty-first Century?

There is a constantly growing need for religious studies to contribute to the public world of contemporary life and practice. By William A. Graham

The Pen Is Mightier

Sexism is still rampant in reviews and responses to women’s writing (especially discussions of religion), but we can counter this bias. By Sarah Sentilles


Signs from Field, Forest, and Stream

There is a contradiction between what evangelical Christians say about nature in public and their private spiritual practices. By Brett Grainger

Life for a Life?

Righteous anger in the cause of justice is a natural response, but it proves to be ineffective and even dangerous. By Dudley C. Rose

Diversity Troubles

Privileged members of academia need to go further to challenge the structures that support prejudice and domination. By Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

In Praise of Inadequate Gifts

Condolence cards and quiet gestures of support provide an unlikely counterweight to violence and mortality. By Tarn Wilson

In Review


A Cringe-worthy Depiction of Africa

The Book of Mormon fosters stereotypes of Ugandans. By Max Perry Mueller


The Meaning of a Saint

Vrajaprana’s Interpreting Ramakrishna: Kali’s Child Revisited. By Francis X. Clooney, S.J.


For the People

Sari Nusseibeh’s What Is a Palestinian State Worth? By Jeffrey Johnson


No Salvation from Angst

Jeffrey Eugenides’ The Marriage Plot: A Novel. By Mara Willard


Way, Truth, and Life in Art

Lech Majewski’s film, The Mill & the Cross. By Mary M. Anderson


Two Poems

Groanings Too Deep for Words

Paul’s Blinding of Elymas

By Tania Runyan

New Voices


By Richie Hofmann

New Voices


By Emily Leithauser


By Nate Klug


Each Person, Each Day

A central theme in this issue is that silence is not an option if we are to act with moral integrity on issues of urgent concern. By Wendy McDowell

A Look Back

Listen First

An excerpt from a 1977 Q&A with Jane I. Smith, included in the Bulletin in honor of her 2012 retirement from Harvard Divinity School.


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