The Liturgy of Home
What are the essential gestures that lead us to the sacred actions that can make a change of consciousness and consequence? By Terry Tempest Williams

Eliminate the Muslim
The forces of paranoia, progress, and productivity drive the construction and surveillance of Muslim identity in narratives of postcolonial future-making. By Ahmed Ragab

Seeing as God Sees
Biblical narratives can help us to reimagine what is possible and to pull truth out from its hiding places. By Jonathan Walton

Who Are ‘We’?
Talks by Shaun Casey, Diane L. Moore, Melissa Borja, Christopher Montoya, and Kristin Kobes du Mez, delivered at the “Symposium on Religious Literacy and Government: Refugee and Immigration Issues.”
Government Innovation in an Era of White Nationalism
Toward a More Radically Inclusive ‘We’
Not All Rosy: Religion and Refugee Resettlement in the U.S.
Between the Sacred and the Profane: The Border as a Contested Space
Understanding White Evangelical Views on Immigration
What the Gospels Share with Fanfiction
The desire of the later Gospel writers to take up the pen parallels the contemporary phenomenon of fanfiction. By Jade Sylvan

Making Belief in the Singapore Army
Ritual spaces and objects in a Singapore Army camp give voice to a deeper hunger. By Theophilus Kwek

Let Us Create
Let’s expand what counts as creativity, so we can be creative in accessible, meaningful, powerful ways. By Natalie Cherie Campbell

Religion and the BRCA Mutation
Women diagnosed with the “breast cancer genes” share complex stories about the impact of this health crisis on their religious beliefs and practices. By Alexandra Nichipor

Listen First
We as a society have failed to count the price paid by victims of sexual harassment and assault. By Emily Click
in review

‘Whiteness’ in the Mormon Archive
Race and the Making of the Mormon People, by Max Perry Mueller, examines the ideology of “white universalism” in the formation of Mormonism. By Seth Perry

A Vision for the Future of Environmentalism
A Q&A with Dan McKanan on his newest book, Eco-Alchemy: Anthroposophy and the History and Future of Environmentalism. By Claire Laine

Hindu Worlds of Art and Culture
A selected reading list from Diana L. Eck’s course.

FitzGerald’s Cast of Evangelicals Falls Flat
Frances FitzGerald’s The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America lacks critical acumen as an interpretive project. By Curtis J. Evans

Poets on Hymns
Poets Kate Daniels, Mark Jarmanm Yehoshua November, Kathleen Norris, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Kwame Dawes, and Jason Gray discuss their favorite hymns:
“One Bread, One Body”
“The Green Hill Far Away”
“Come, My Beloved, to Greet the Bride”
“I Love to Tell the Story”
“Jesus Is All the World to Me”
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
“Silent Night”
With my Father atop Birds Hill
By Catherine Stearns
Two Poems
regular black
old confession & new
By Danez Smith
Multiple Lenses, Essential Gestures
It strikes me that most of the articles in this issue involve putting on new lenses so that we might make different gestures. By Wendy McDowell