The Politics of Preaching

To tell a congregation the truth, to condemn our world while admitting that we cannot see our way clear of it, is a political and prophetic act. By Matthew L. Potts


Teffi, Rasputin, and the Revolution

Teffi’s writings and the story of Rasputin illuminate the role of belief and rumor in the fall of the Romanovs. By Randy Rosenthal

Word & Image

‘They Needed to be Heard’

Text, quotes, and images from an exhibit that breathes new life into ancient ocarinas, clay instruments which played a significant role in the Mesoamerican world.

‘Every Little Pine Needle’

Thoreau had a deeply religious cast of mind, but he experienced revelation in nature, and trees were his guides. By Richard Higgins

Can the Women Do Something?

An inspiring call to action from the Nobel laureate who brought women together across religious, ethnic, and political differences to restore peace in Liberia. By Leymah Gbowee


All Flesh Must Once Again Become Fire: Origen’s Untamed Thinking

For Origen, our souls and bodies are simply our fiery minds in different states, and our goal is transformation. By Charles M. Stang

The Secular Religion of Plotinus

Plotinus focused on embodied life and envisioned an intricate, complex, interconnected universe. By Margaret R. Miles

Zhu Xi’s Breakthrough

Zhu Xi proposed that each of us must cultivate “reverential attention” so that together we might create more harmonious communities. By Stephen C. Angle

The Advice of Mencius

The central focus of Mencius’s thinking was how to let our goodness blossom and how to prevent ourselves from falling prey to immorality. By Jin Li

in review

Illustration of magnifying glass over a leaf showing the leaf veins as a line of sound waves


Where Silence Lives

The documentary In Pursuit of Silence creates a space for a long overdue conversation about the nuanced subject of silence. By Timothy L. Gallati


Buddhist Ethics

A selected reading list from Charles Hallisey’s course.

Collage of book covers

Shelf Life

Challenging Binaries, Crossing Boundaries

A review of four books on Islamic reform in contemporary Africa. By Ousmane Kane

In Scripture

Facing the Fierce Land of I

Gandhi’s translation of a verse from the Bhagavad Gita invites and commands us to return to what’s essential before taking action. By Eliza Griswold


‘Restitching’ America under Trumpism

A Q&A with E. J. Dionne, Jr., on the book he co-authored with Norman J. Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann, One Nation After Trump. By Robert Israel


Modes of Travel

By Callie Siskel

At Prayer

By Yehoshua November


Autumn/Winter 2017 issue cover

The Way of the Still, Small Voice

If we spend all of our time ratcheted up about the constant, outrageous insults and threats, we might miss the unjust things being done. The small voice is silenced. By Wendy McDowell


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